Friday, February 6, 2009

A Place To Vent

I started this blog because I need a place to vent. My other blog is where I post my creative writing, which is good as far as it goes. But sometimes I just want to rant, rave, philosophize, conjecture or complain. I don't want to worry about whether I did it right, said it right, got it right or had a right. I just want to blow off steam, or ventilate my brain, or clear the air, or break the ice, or beat a dead horse. Whatever! I just want to make some noise, say what I think, brainstorm, dig deep and wander in the dark without a light, without a map, without a guide and find my own beleaguered way through life.

1 comment:

  1. Venting is a very positive and, in all of nature, necessary thing. The Earth is the role model for all other creatures, it would seem. If volcanoes didn't vent periodically, think of the potential harm that would ensue. "Look at all the damage they do" one might counter. Sure. But how much worse might it have been if all that pressure was retained for yet a longer period of time? Humans, and most other animals, "go off" periodically, as well. Some more explosively than others, and with varying degrees of harm to those around them. Again, the more pent-up the underlying cause, the greater the potential harm. In my few decades it has become very clear that perpetual "venters" are far less likely to have traumatic problems than those who "keep their own council" or accept being introverted. Just my two cent's worth, Rose. Love this blog site although I will reserve comments on the more lady-oriented blogs. Larry W.
