Wednesday, April 29, 2009

100 Days

Personally, I wasn't counting. But the media has made it impossible not to notice that Barack Obama has been President for 100 days. I guess it gives them something to talk about. A way to justify their existence. So I may as well chime in.

I am proud of my country for electing a black man President. It took imagination and guts. The bigots are still reeling. They may never get over it. And I for one am getting tired of listening to their carrying on about everything Obama does. The way the right wing tells it, this man never does anything right. Every single thing he does is wrong, un-American, un-Godly, and probably part of a larger conspiracy to undermine the American way of life.

Personally, I can't wait for all Americans to have health care. I like the stimulus program. And Obama's overtures to hostile world leaders give me reason to hope for world peace. I'm delighted with every one of Bush's executive orders that he has reversed, and I couldn't be happier that we won't be torturing prisoners or detaining them unlawfully anymore.

I'm not particularly happy about Afghanistan, but I don't know what is to be done about the Taliban and Al-Qaida. The thought of those fanatics having a nuclear weapon is chilling to say the least.

I'm also dismayed by the bailouts, though I don't understand the problem well enough to say for certain what the alternative would be.

But the latest ranting about the good old USA becoming just like Europe, as if that would be such a terrible thing, just strikes me as laughable. And if I find something to laugh about, well then it's a pretty good day.

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