Monday, April 20, 2009

Obama Drama

Yesterday I heard Obama called a Fascist and a Socialist in the same conversation. They called him everything but an American. They were so angry and escalated, you didn't dare attempt conversation, it would just have been a huge fight. Pointless in all regards. I guess it's understandable. The right is not used to losing elections. Their party is in disarray. They're scared that their way of life is under attack. Glenn Beck is their spokesman. Oh dear. I mean, what can you say? What do you call it? The politics of pee your pants terrified?

Meanwhile they are stocking up on assault weapons because they're afraid somebody is going to try to take them away from them. Though Obama says he has no intention of re-instituting the ban. And Socialist is the new nasty.

I'm concerned about the bailouts too. I think we all are. But the stimulus package just isn't socialism, not by a long shot. Although in a country where capitalism has gone so far wrong, a little injection of socialism wouldn't hurt anything.

But when that old pendulum swings the other way, people sure do panic.

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