Thursday, April 16, 2009

Texas Tea

We took a stroll along San Antonio's Riverwalk yesterday, and got to following some stairs the rose beside terraced fountains to the main street level above. It was serene and all we could really hear was the sound of the water flowing over the stone waterfalls and cascades, making its way down to the river as we made our way up to the center of town. A peaceful scene.

But there at the top of the stairs we spilled out into a crowd of demonstrators, gathering for a rally. I looked around at the signs, some of them calling for Texas secession from the union, many of them straight anti-government, anti-taxation, anti-universal health care, and anti-Obama. I couldn't help wondering if this was a pro or anti-American rally. Just about everything I saw was AGAINST something. What are these people "for?" Well, one thing they are for is guns.

Now don't get me wrong, I have guns and I'm not interested in giving them up. I like my guns. Though it's been quite a while since any of them were fired. But I still like them and I like having them. Did I miss something? These people at this rally seemed to think somebody was going to try to take their guns away. How could I have missed that? Oh, right. There is some talk about restricting assault weapons. Well, frankly I don't care to own an assault weapon. I don't know what I'd do with one. Yet people are determined to own them. At least these people at the Tea Party in Texas were determined to own them. I keep wondering what they are getting ready for. It doesn't sound so good.

Should we start stockpiling canned food and beans? And clean water? Maybe we should dig some fallout shelters, like they did back in the 50's during the Cold War. Get out of the cities and off the grid. Take all our money out of the bank and sew it into the mattress. Buy a foot-pedal sewing machine and dig a well. Run like hell.


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